THE planthunter has gathered a big collection of different plants throughout the years. It is difficult to sell these through the traditional channels which require amounts and 'supermarket' quality. Some products make it to this level like the Monstera adansonii. Most others not.
THE Planthunter is always looking for professional partners who share the passion for plants and have platforms which give access to the real plant collectors: Webshops, plant shops and garden centers. Direct business to business to feed your platform. Please contact THE Planthunter if this sounds attractive to you.

Planthunting is the most adventurous part of the business. And that is just the beginning. After finding new items many steps have to be taken to become a bestseller plant:
- How to grow?
- How to multiply?
- Is it really attractive to the consumer?
- How to transport?
Keep checking IG for the latest finds!